Wednesday, 27 November 2013

Have an 'APPy Christmas

The +For Every Family  'favourite festive app' competition, led me on a search for just that, my favourite festive app. For me, in my search for my favourtie festive app, there were three main criteria to base the search upon. 1. It must be android compatible 2. It must be FREE 3. It must be fun! After searching through hundreds of apps, and downloading a fair few not so great apps, I discovered 'Christmas Frames'. Christmas Frames allows you to add festive frames to your photos. I was surprised at how easy the app was to use, and even more surprised at the fab results. 
Here is a step by step guide to making your favourite photos super festive: 

I selected to use a photo that I already had saved to my phone. In this case you need to select 'use gallery photos'. This takes you to a page where you can select both the image you wish to use and the frame. (I have rotated this images to enable easy viewing). You can browse and select frames at the left of your screen, purely by scrolling up and down and pressing the desired frame. Your photo can be added using the top right icon.
There are multiple frames to choose from, but please be aware those labelled 'pro' come at an additional cost (I chose to stick with the 'free' frames). 
Once the image and frame have been selected, you can maneuver your image within the frame. I have chosen to use a photo taken last Christmas of my pooch, Tilly in her first snow. I may be a tad biased but I think she looks super cute! At this point you have the option to add text to your image, this can be achieved using the second icon to the right of your screen. You can then type your desired message. 
Once you are happy with your result selected the bottom right 'save ' icon on your screen. 
Once you have saved your image, you are given three options. The first icon allows you to rotate your image. The second icon allows you to share your fabulous newly created festive image with your loved ones, through a range of mediums, from text to Facebook. The third icon allows you to set your image as a wallpaper on your phone. 

Festive Frames is by far my favourite app to date. It is super easy to use, produces professional looking festive images, and most importantly it is free! I feel my family and friends may be bombarded with Festive Frame creations this Christmas...

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